Today, i found a post say somethings about category Permalinks,
so i copy it for someone who need to set your category Permalinks.
if see Chinese post go to:

1: modify the category Permalinks fixed set,
to remove the link prefix category classification

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How to get SEO friendly category Permalinks


Landed to admin-setting-permalinks,
and then set sttting - optional - Categories prefix inside the input "."
To save to remove the prefix category.

2: using WordPress plugins, remove the prefix classification
category (recommended)With the no-category-parents of
this plug-in can be a good solution to this problem,
but this plug-in can not only remove the link
prefix classification category,the parent can
remove the classification of parent-category.
This easy to navigate directly to the two built
a navigation section below,
and link to the article will not be displayed.
For example, can "/ category / parent-category / my-category /"
replace "/ my-category /" form.

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