现在网络上有很多的备份方法。不过大多数是通过备份插件或是通过phpmyadmin来实现数据库备份。要是要整站备份的话。需要自己通过FTP下载wp-content文件夹。。很麻烦。。 今天无意间搜索到一个插件BackUpWordPress,可以备份包括整个目录和数据库。并可以通过后台进行下载。 下面是官方说明: 1、Install BackUpWordPress either via the WordPress.org plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server. 2、Activate the plugin. 3、Sit back and relax safe in the knowledge that your whole site will be backed up every day. The plugin will try to use the mysqldump and zip commands via shell if they are available, using these will greatly improve the time it takes to back up your site. If you know about such things then you can point the plugin in the right direction by defining HMBKP_ZIP_PATH and HMBKP_MYSQLDUMP_PATH in your wp-config.php. 下载地址:http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/backupwordpress/ 设置截图:
- 提示:这篇文章发布于 2011/06/09,作者 admin,总计 676 字.
- 原文: 如何全站备份你的wordpress博客 | 爱壹主题