Slider Revolution,codecanyon上销量第一的wordpress幻灯插件,themeforest中wordpress主题使用率最高的幻灯插件。文章缩略图、图片切换、动画效果、3d效果….只有你想不到,没有它做不到,Slider Revolution幻灯插件的强大只有你使用过后才能知道。这也是themeforest众多主题作者把它作为主题内置插件的原因。
当前版本Version StarPath (25th April 2017)。保持持续更新!
Slider Revolution is an innovative, responsive WordPress Slider Plugin that displays your content the beautiful way. Whether it’s a Slider, Carousel, Hero Scene or even a whole Front Page, the visual, drag & drop editor will let you tell your own stories in no time!
- 充分响应,支持移动设备
- 使用超快的Greensock动画引擎
- 强大的API让您随意控制幻灯
- 拥有各种模式:自定义,自动响应,全屏
- 任意调整图像大小和高度
- 随意设置图片的封面、背景、纹理、遮罩
- 自定义图像ALT标签,优化搜索引擎
- 所见即所得的拖放编辑器
- 可设置幻灯片是否发布
- 多用户角色管理
- 支持手机触摸,键盘翻页
- 内置幻灯、视频播放计时器
- 可自由导入导出幻灯设置
- 支持多语言插件WPMU
- 可调用任意id文章或任意类别文章缩略图
- 可使用短代码插入至主题任意位置
- 延迟加载,增加页面加载速度
- 可设置全屏YouTube、Vimeo和本地的HTML5视频播放
- 自动设置影片的开/关
Version 5.4.5 StarPath (23rd May 2017)
- Set Parallax BG and Layers Speed/Delay Globally independent. 15 Levels Depth still available !
- Added Color Animation Attributes like Background and Font Color for Shape and Text Layers
- Added Brightness Filter Attribute for Idle, Hover, Start and End Animation frames to provide new Effects on Layers
- Added Grayscale, Brightness, Blur Slide Transitions in different Combinations
Version StarPath (25th April 2017)
- Typo in API descriptions removed
- Fixed Slider/Slide Preview not working properly in 5.4.3
- Fixed Export to HTML missing some JavaScript in 5.4.3
- Added further WooCommerce 3.0+ compatibility with Out of Stock and Featured management
Version 5.4.3 StarPath (21th April 2017)
- Introducing jQuery.fn.getRSVersion() and jQuery.fn.getRSVersion(true) functions to get Core and all Loded Module Version numbers.
- Added WooCommerce compatibility for 3.0+
- Fixed Several Typos
- Fixed Instagram bug, where Slides would not show if maximum entries are higher than what was fetched
- Fixed Deep Linking in Carousel Slider
- Fixed Issue where YouTube Video Background in Pause / End Mode shows the Default YouTube Cover image instead of the Predefined poster Image
- Fixed Wrong Navigation Direction / Thumbnail Images on Arrow Navigation in some kind of Cases
- Fixed Disable on Mobile not working if Slider was added through a Widget
幻灯片模版下载演示幻灯片下载收费扩展免费下载- 提示:这篇文章发布于 2017/05/18,作者 99839,总计 2688 字.
- 原文: Slider Revolution强大的视差响应幻灯插件中文汉化版 | 爱壹主题